16 Weeks.

Little Jellybean:

I feel like you and I both grew a lot since last week. You're the size of an avocado now, measuring 4 to 5 inches and weighing anywhere from 3 to 5 ounces.  Your ears are in place now, meaning you can probably hear my voice all day long.

This week I think I may have felt you move for the first time.  I was laying on the couch watching a movie with your Daddy when I felt something strange.  I grabbed his arm and told him to pause the movie and tried to focus and see if I could feel it again.  A few seconds later, it felt like someone thumped me from inside.  It only happened once, and I would have to be laying very still to notice it again, but I'm pretty sure it was a tiny kick from you.  I can't wait to feel you more!

This week your Daddy went to donate blood so we could find out his blood type.  When he told them about you, they gave him a Mickey Mouse stuffed animal to give you when you arrive.  It turns out he has a positive blood type, meaning I need to get a shot since I'm a negative blood type in case you are a positive like him.  He had a good experience donating, so he plans to go again soon.

Only a few more days until we go for our ultrasound to find out if you're a boy or a girl.  We're counting down the hours, we can hardly wait to see how much you've grown.

Keep baking (and wiggle around some more for me, please),

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